
Showing posts from August, 2020

Gods Gifts To Each Zodiac Sign

How Gods and Goddesses blessed zodiac signs with a unique Divine Gift Zeus, the King of all Gods and Goddesses was believed to bless each human with a gift, one special power which could help them in their lives. Thus, the king of  Olympus blessed Zodiac Signs – every single one of them – with one particular gift. A Gift which define one from another Zeus was believed (and still is) to love human kind so much that he always find way to help them in their ways. The Myth behind Each Zodiac Sign There is a Legend which builds the story of all Zodiac Signs. A fascinating myth (?) which was either made up, or assigned to each Zodiac part in order to represent the real qualities that enrich the ones born under it. By this way, the ancient Greeks narrated how the Gods and Goddesses gave human a Divine Gift to help them in this life.

10 Signs You're A Shaman & Don't Know it

Because modern culture doesn't have a role for the shamanic archetype, many people who grow up outside indigenous villages are shamans — healers who have access to the spirit world — and don't know it. Many naturally wind up in overtly healing professions, such as medicine, psychology, or life coaching. They'll take part in various forms of sacred activism and spend their lives healing the planet, for example, rather than healing people. But some wind up in professions where they may feel like they don't fit in at all. I wrote this article to honor the shamanic tradition, not to violate it in any way.

5 Impossible Things Your Brain Can Do

You don't have to be a savant to have savant-like abilities. In her post "Tap Into the Inner Genius You Didn't Know You Had", Dr. Chris Glibert described Acquired Savant Syndrome, a rare condition that sometimes occurs after trauma to Left Anterior Temporal Lobe (LATL). Dr Gilbert explained that a few patients with damage to the LATL suddenly develop artistic or musical talents that may exist in all of us, but are inhibited by a healthy LATL. Fortunately, its's impossible for all of us - or, at least all who are females of a certain age (more about than later) - to bring out extraordinary abilities that we never knew our brains possessed without damaging our brains, or even temporarily suppressing the LATL by overworking it with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS), as Dr. Gilbert reported in her blog.